A Letter From The President

I am honored to serve as the new President for The Junior League of the Space Coast, Inc. (JLSC). I am privileged to join the 2023-2024 Board to provide a great member-focused League year. The 2023-2024 year has lots of exciting things in store.

One significant change this year is the return of our program Done In a Day/Done In Your Seat. We are delighted to reconnect with our community directly and create memorable experiences that bring us closer together. As well as help us to foster stronger connections with the Space Coast community.

Our overarching goal remains empowering women and families to improve their well-being and conquer tomorrow’s challenges. Each year, the League identifies specific areas of impact and addresses them through volunteer efforts and trained leaders. This approach ensures that we not only meet immediate community needs but also work towards sustainable, long-term improvements.

In this League year, as we explore the theme “What Can Junior League Do for Me?” we remain committed to serving you and our community with integrity, compassion, and dedication. Together, we will make a lasting impact and create a brighter future for the Space Coast.

How can you help us reach our mission? There are many ways to support The Junior League of the Space Coast, Inc., including making a donation, sponsor our signature projects, become a community partner, join our membership, or attend one or all our fundraisers.

Yours in Service,

Stephanie Knigge

Junior League of the Space Coast President 2023-2024